Introduction & recruiting videos of the Adobe Creative Residents each year, 2017-2021.
In these videos, I wanted those watching to be able to relate to the Residents, who are talented, driven, passionate, and independent. I also wanted to represent that there is no one right way to be or become a successful creator; the program has supported creators from myriad cultures specializing in unique niches.
The vibe of these videos is fresh, energetic, inspiring, colorful, and professional.
2018 Residents
Introducing the 2018-2019 Adobe Creative Residents
produced by Adobe Studio video production + Team13
Individual interviews with the 7 new Residents 
produced by Sara Dietschy
Each of the Residents has a video about them / their projects to share with the community, as well as to use as promotional material. 
To put the new Residents at ease and create a vibe of ease, I hired alumni video Residents each year to produce the new Residents' spotlights: Aundre Larrow (2017 for 2019), Tyler Babin (2019 for 2020), Hallease Narvaez (2021 for her own year). 

Meet the 2018 Adobe Creative Residents: Designer Temi Coker 

Meet the 2018 Adobe Creative Residents: UX Designer Andrea Hock

Meet the 2018 Adobe Creative Residents: Photographer Aaron Bernstein

Meet the 2018 Adobe Creative Residents: Designer Isabel Lea

Meet the 2018 Adobe Creative Residents: Illustrator Anna Daviscourt

Meet the 2018 Adobe Creative Residents: Illustrator Nadine Kolodziey

Meet the 2018 Adobe Creative Residents: Photographer Laura Zalenga

Apply to the Adobe Creative Residency 2019 
produced by Team13
2019 Residents
Introducing the 2019 Adobe Creative Residents

Produced by Adobe Studio, video production team

Produced by Adobe Live team

Individual interviews with the 9 new Residents 
produced by Aundre Larrow​​​​​​​

Meet the 2019 Adobe Creative Residents: Tyler Babin

Meet the 2019 Adobe Creative Residents: Takuma Nakata

Meet the 2019 Adobe Creative Residents: Octavia Bromell

Meet the 2019 Adobe Creative Residents: Amalie Satzger

Meet the 2019 Adobe Creative Residents: Aiko Fukuda

Meet the 2019 Adobe Creative Residents: Patricia Reiners

Meet the 2019 Adobe Creative Residents: Julie Sanduski

Meet the 2019 Adobe Creative Residents: Juan Jose Egusquiza

Meet the 2019 Adobe Creative Residents: Cyn Lagos

Apply Now for the 2020/21 Adobe Creative Residency
produced by Tyler Babin 
2020 Residents

Meet the 2020 Creative Residents 
produced by Tyler Babin
2021 Residents

Meet the 2021 Creative Residents
produced by Hallease Narvaez

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